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English literature

"As a student who loves to read, English A-level gives me the opportunity to think more deeply about the books I read and what the author really means. The skills I learned from this class have given me a greater understanding of all kinds of literary texts, and have really improved my communication and written work in my other subjects.  I love English and I thoroughly recommend it”.        
Year 12 Student

Curricular Intent:
Our English curriculum aims to help students become confident communicators who have their own ‘voice’, think critically and write with creative flair. By providing them with opportunities to engage with a diverse range of texts, we encourage students to question the world around them, developing empathy and open-mindedness as well as fostering a love of literature.

English at A Level is an exciting subject. Students are encouraged to be curious and to think deeply about texts, exploring interesting ideas and learning how to develop their own critical voice.

How English is Delivered

No two lessons look the same: students may find themselves writing creatively to ‘unlock’ the meaning in a poem: debating the ideas in a novel or using drama to make the words of the text come to life. All A Level Literature students are encouraged to develop autonomy, engaging fully in class discussions and drawing upon their own background reading to support their interpretations of texts. Our choice of topics and texts reflect issues that are relevant to our students, challenging them and engaging them in debate about their world.


We believe that enjoyment of English is vitally important both inside and outside of the classroom. This is why we offer exciting opportunities such as Exeter University Masterclasses, outreach work with local primary schools and the chance to attend the Ways With Words literary festival through the student bursary scheme.

Whether a student aspires to study English at university or wishes to pursue a career in a totally unrelated field - Law, Medicine, even Accountancy – A Level English will help them to develop the skills they need to succeed: an ability to think critically, to communicate fluently and to deal empathetically with the world around them.

For more information please click to download the Curriculum Document.

Current Teaching Staff: 

Mrs C Peake - Head of Department
Ms C Jenkins - Head of KS5
Mrs H Baker-Thornton
Mrs A Beal
Ms T Banks

Examination board and syllabus: 

AQA (specification A): English Literature

A Level Specification Details

AQA A Level English Literature (Specification A)


English Career Guide