The Sixth Form Open Evening is Tuesday 12th November 6:00-8:30pm. We look forward to welcoming students and parents to this event where you will have the chance to meet our fantastic team of A-Level teachers and some of our inspiring current Sixth Form students. You will get to meet A level subject teachers and discuss the content of the A-levels your child may wish to study.
The programme of events is below. The evening will include an introductory talk from the Head of Sixth Form and the Sixth Form Leadership Team. You can also get an overview of UCAS, Oxbridge and Medic and Careers Programmes on offer – enabling our students to access the most competitive university courses, careers and apprenticeships.
6:00pm Introduction to Sixth Form talk
6:30pm New students and parents – tours available
6:30pm-8:30pm Visits to A Level subjects
7:00pm Extended Project Qualification talk
7:15pm UCAS and careers talk
7:45pm TGGS Oxbridge programme talk
8:00pm TGGS Medics programme talk
We hope that by attending this event it will allow both students and parents to appreciate not only the academic programme, but also the opportunities for enrichment, personal development and the community feel that our Outstanding Sixth Form has to offer.
Refreshments will be available throughout the evening in our Sixth Form Cafe.