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Information for Parents

The School Day:

Girls should be in their form rooms for registration no later than 8:45. There is 25 minute break at 11:15 and Lunch runs from 12:35 until 13:30. The school day finishes at 15:30.

At the end of the school day, if you are collecting your child by car, please do not drive into Shiphay Manor Drive. This area is extremely congested at the end of school. Please arrange an alternative collection point. Please be considerate of our neighbours and local residents; do not block driveways, park on the pavement or cause any obstruction.

Read the full End of Day Site Guidance.

The HUB:

The Hub space is open and supervised by a member of staff every morning and after school for students in Years 7-11. Students in Year 12 & 13 can sign in at the Hub and then use the Sixth Form Work Room or Cafe.

Please note that our morning opening times are from 07:45am until 08:15am.

Students arriving to use this space must enter the building via the Main Reception area where they will be asked to sign in electronically. They must not leave the supervised space to go elsewhere on the premises until 08:15am, when they may go to their form room for registration. They must sign out when they leave. In the mornings we offer a free breakfast, which includes a range of cereals and fruit juice, for any student who needs it. We encourage students having breakfast to wash up after themselves to develop their independence skills and show respect to others using the space.

The Hub is also open and supervised from 15:30pm until 17:00pm every day. Again, students must sign in upon arrival and sign out when they leave the building to go home. This includes our Sixth Form students who will need to ensure they have signed out in person at the Hub before leaving the school site. The Hub space is designed to be a quiet working area for those who arrive at school or are collected outside our normal working hours. Students are not permitted to use their mobile phones or headphones on the school premises, including in the Hub without asking a teacher as per our normal school policy, so these must be put away once students enter the building. There are laptops available for students to use to do schoolwork on, or they can choose to read a book or complete their homework quietly.

Please help us to ensure your child’s safety by not dropping or collecting them outside our opening hours when, unfortunately, they cannot be adequately supervised by our staff.